“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of Science™, it was the age of common sense, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of climate denial, it was the span of man-women, it was the span of woman-men, it was an interval of tractor barns, it was an interval of waffle houses, it was a period of strength in numbers, it was a period of fascism in numbers....”
—Che Dikkens, A Tale of Two Opposing Material Dialectics
Now that math is recognized as racist, individual numbers can and will be suppressed, banned, or rounded up (no pun intended) and nullified.
https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2024/0 ... symbolism/
When I first read about this, I imaged something severe or shocking:
But no, it was perfectly predictable Wokism telling us of monsters under our beds, and one really must stretch the imagination to see what they see:
So, to humor their Nazi Angst, here are some suggestions for the banishment of other double-digit numbers:
11 — Ban 11: someone might mistake it for the fascist slave-holding Roman colonizers’ numeral for 2 and have their feelings hurt when corrected.
22 — Ban 22: it looks like two back-alley abortion tools of the kind used to resist the patriarchy's effort to force “A Handmaid’s Tale” on progressive womyn.
33 — Keep 33 because it reminds us of Our Lady of Myriad Mammaries, the MTE.
44 — Banned successfully by woke sensitivity nazis because 44 looks kinda nazi-ish. So does NATO Headquarters in Brussels:
55 — Ban 55: can’t you see it’s a pair of meathooks like the ones Nazis used to hang people on?
66 — Keep 66 (but add one more 6 as a homage to the originator of all we hold dear).
77 — Ban 77: it’s obviously a pair of arrows pointing to the despicable right as well as a thinly disguised Nazi SS symbol. Also, it may be offensive to some members of the Indian Community (Slurpee Indians, not Casino Indians).
88 — Keep 88 because it, too, reminds us of Our Lady of Baskets of Boobs, the MTE.
99 — Ban 99 because it sounds like “Nein! Nein!” in German, which is something that Hitler probably said. It also looks like a “close quotation” mark, which end of all Hitler quotes, and also Nazis used marks for money.
00 — Keep 00: no explanation needed.
Statistics: Posted by Colonel Obyezyana — 4/7/2024, 12:27 pm — Replies 5 — Views 160