It’s time to expose Harley Davidson.
Harley Davidson been one of the most beloved brands in America but recently on CEO Jochen Zeitz’s watch, they’ve gone totally woke. Just the latest American Icon under woke attack. Here’s some of what is going on at Harley: • Openly supports “the equality act" which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms. • HD funded an all ages pride event that featured a "rage room" next to drag queen story time. • 1,800 employees had to do virtual training on how to become LGBTQ+ allies. • And much More including White Males Only Diversity Training Classes. SO, Why settle for mere imitation? Buy the Harley Quinn LGBTQ Special Motorcycle with edible carpeted seats instead (goes well with Bud Light) and get the real thing not the American Icon gone woke.
Harley Davidson been one of the most beloved brands in America but recently on CEO Jochen Zeitz’s watch, they’ve gone totally woke. Just the latest American Icon under woke attack. Here’s some of what is going on at Harley: • Openly supports “the equality act" which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms. • HD funded an all ages pride event that featured a "rage room" next to drag queen story time. • 1,800 employees had to do virtual training on how to become LGBTQ+ allies. • And much More including White Males Only Diversity Training Classes. SO, Why settle for mere imitation? Buy the Harley Quinn LGBTQ Special Motorcycle with edible carpeted seats instead (goes well with Bud Light) and get the real thing not the American Icon gone woke.
Statistics: Posted by Dr. Worddust — 8/16/2024, 2:40 pm — Replies 1 — Views 141